Wise Word, 09/25/2024

Principal’s Message:

Hello Golden Owls,


Please mark in your calendar that we will have a week of minimum days, October 21- 25, 2024.  These minimum days will allow us to hold  Parent Teacher Conferences. Parent-Teacher Conferences are important as we partner up to support our students’ growth and development. To sign up for a 30-minute conference time, your teacher will email you a calendar link. You will be able to select from available time slots between 12:30 pm and 4:00 pm, each day of conference week. If none of these times work for you, please be sure to contact your child’s teacher, directly. The scheduling window will open on 10/04/24 at 3:00 pm when you will receive an email link from your child’s teacher.  


In Partnership, 

Principal Vern Taylor

Events Calendar



PTA Association Meeting, 6pm VA Library


Principal’s Coffee - 8:10am, MUR


Kinder Literacy Night, 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Sept. 30 - Oct. 4

Book Fair, MUR




Mountain View Library Field Trip


Family Coding Night Sponsored by PTA, MUR


MVWSD Board Meeting, District Office 6pm-10pm


Superintendent Community Check In - 3:30pm - Register Here


SSC Meeting, 6pm


Teacher-In-Service-Day - No School


Recess Day - No School


Lifetouch Picture Retakes


MVWSD Board Meeting, District Office 6pm-10pm


Vargas Walk-a-Thon

21st - 25th

Parent - Teacher Conference Week - Minimum Days - Dismissal 11:55am


Trunk or Treat VA Parking Lot, 6pm


DELAC Meeting, 5:30pm

28th - 31st

Walden West Science Camp


In this Newsletter

School News:

Golden Ticket Winners

Kinder Literacy Night

No school for students on October 10 and 11

Walden West Cabin Leaders


Tardy Procedure

Hoot Loot  and Reading Logs


2024 -2025 School Year Calendar - Here

September Menu - Here


District News:

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: There is Help. There is Hope.

Join us on our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) journey

Share your ideas about social-emotional learning (SEL) for our students

Applying to be a school volunteer this year? Training and help sessions happen this month

MVWSD Seeks Parents & Staff Members for Health & Wellness Committee

Ask your student about their MVEF-funded classes

Interested in volunteering with MVEF? 

PTA News:

Upcoming Events (see below for details)

PTA General Association Meeting - September 25th, 6:00-7:00PM

Scholastic Book Fair, Sept 30th-Oct 4th

Family Coding Night- Thurs Oct 3rd

Walkathon- October 18, 2024

Trunk or Treat - Fri Oct 25th

Membership Drive Results


Afterschool Enrichment Classes

Spirit Wear 


Community Partners

YMCA Hiring for MVWSD Afterschool Program - Flyer

Fixit Clinic: Oct. 5

City Searching for Volunteers to Serve Community

School News


Golden Ticket Winners September 19, 2024

Emmanuel Q.      RM: 1          Maxwell L.      RM: 11  

Lori K.                RM: 2          Sara Q.             RM: 12

Saaru K.              RM: 3          Pedro B.           RM: 14

Madelyn B.         RM: 4          Peyton L.         RM: 15

Zhouying L.        RM: 5          Goldie N.         RM: 13 

Leo B.                 RM: 6          Elif G.              RM: 16

Adelyn R.           RM: 8          Adalberto H.     RM: 17 

Matthew C.        RM: 9           Marco S.           RM: 18

Ethan H.             RM: 10        Mrs. Leopold     RM: 4

Kinder Literacy Night 

Please join our Kinder Teachers on September 30, 2024 from 5:30-6:30 for Kinder Literacy Night. This will be a workshop-style event where we will provide instruction for teaching phonological awareness, orally blending and segmenting words and letter sounds. Please bring your child, as you will be given the opportunity to try these strategies yourself! We look forward to seeing you there!"

No school for students on October 10 and 11

Thursday, October 10th is a staff development day, which means no school for students but a staff development/work day for teachers, school secretaries and 12-month classified staff. 

Friday, October 11th is recess day (no school for students and staff). 

Walden West Cabin Leaders

Attention Vargas Families! Our 5th grade students will be attending Science Camp at Walden West on October 28-October 31, 2024. In order to make this a successful trip, Walden West is in need of Cabin leaders who are High school Sophomores and older, up to 22 years old. These students will live with and help supervise our students during their trip.

Walden West supports high school student’s academic engagement, builds their leadership skills, and adds to their portfolios for future career/college. Students earn up to 100 hours of service learning serving as cabin leaders and enrich their current science knowledge in our field classes. Training and support is provided throughout the week. Per the SCCOE, all volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and will be required to present a negative COVID test on their first day. Click here to apply as a cabin leader for Jose Antonio Vargas. 



We don’t want your child to fall behind in school and get discouraged.  Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time.   

  • A reminder school starts at 8:00am, drop-off starts at 7:45am

  • Please ensure your child is at school or getting dropped off before the gates close at 8:00am. Your child is considered late at 8:00am

Here are a few practical tips to help support regular attendance:


  • Make sure your children keep a regular bedtime and establish a morning routine.

  • Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.

  • Ensure your children go to school every day unless they are truly sick

  • Avoid scheduling vacations or doctor’s appointments when school is in session.

  • Talk to teachers and counselors for advice if your children feel anxious about going to school.

  • Develop back up plans for getting to school if something comes up.  Call on a family member, neighbor, or another parent to take your child to school.


Tardy Procedure

Students are tardy if they are not in line by 8:00 a.m. Although one or two minutes may not seem like it makes a big impact, there really is an impact on your child and on the rest of the class. Please aim for having your child here by 7:50 a.m. to allow for possible slow-downs on your route here. We are well into our first month of school and have gotten our routine set. I will be starting to track students' tardiness on a weekly basis, and arranging appointments with families to discuss the importance, ramification, and any support you may need to resolve this situation if I see a pattern. 


If your child is at school after 8:00 a.m. please remember, students must come through the office to pick up a tardy slip. 


Hoot Loot and Reading Logs

Each year, schools are asked to create a School Improvement Plan (SPSA). In this plan, our school sets goals that align with the goals and initiatives of our district’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). One of our goals is to improve student's reading skills and ensure that 100% of students meet their annual typical growth target based on their iReady diagnostics. 


Last year, one of the initiatives we started was school-wide reading logs and utilizing “Hoot Loot” to encourage students building a daily reading habit.  As you might know, reading daily aids in language development, brain development, and also provides insight to a world beyond their immediate access. We hope that by helping students to build this daily reading habit, we will be able to move the needle on our students’ overall academic performance. Because the expectations for reading vary by grade-level, each grade-level will be sharing the specifics about what it looks like for that grade-level and class. 


What’s a Hoot Loot you ask? Students will receive Vargas Dollars aka “Hoot Loot” based on different reading behaviors. One of those behaviors will be completion of reading logs. Students may also earn Hoot Loot in a variety of other ways including, but not limited to, extra reading practice as determined by the classroom teacher, making progress towards reading targets, returning library books on time, improving in academic performance, participation in parent literacy nights and other actions that teachers will share with students.


What can you do with Hoot Loot? At the end of each month, students will be able to shop at the virtual store to buy different items. Some items are small like pencils, some are large like stuffed animals, and some are classroom prizes like extra recess, pizza party, or lunch with the Principal. If you would like to support the Hoot Loot Store, you can contribute to our school’s wishlist here. Thank you in advance for your partnership in supporting our students' reading each night. 



District News


Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: There is Help. There is Hope.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available to provide help and hope.  This lifeline is for any need: Call or Text 988 or online at 988lifeline.org https://988lifeline.org.


Suicide impacts millions of people across the U.S., touching every community. As parents, caregivers, educators, and neighbors, we all have a role to play in preventing suicide. During Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (#SPM24), it’s vital to learn how to support those around us and recognize the signs of someone in crisis. 


By coming together, we can create a stronger, more compassionate community where individuals feel seen, heard, and supported. Learning the warning signs and risk factors of suicide is key to offering hope to those struggling. By listening, sharing resources, and talking openly about mental health, we can save lives.


Let’s work together to offer support, prevent tragedy, and build a future where everyone feels valued. #SuicidePreventionMonth


If you or someone you know is in crisis, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available to provide help and hope.  This lifeline is for any need: Call or Text 988 or online at 988lifeline.org https://988lifeline.org


Join us on our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) journey

We are seeking applicants to join the MVWSD 2024-2025 SEL Curriculum Adoption Committee, where our focus will be Social Emotional Learning curriculum adoption.  If you are interested in being a part of this moment in our SEL journey, please complete this application by September 27, 2024. Even if you might be unsure about participation, we encourage you to apply. By applying to the committee you will learn more about the commitment that will be asked of participants. 

The SEL Curriculum Adoption Committee is seeking  participants from all members of our District community, however it must be primarily composed of MVWSD teachers. We will meet up to 11 times this school year between October and April, including 3 Saturdays.  The objective of this committee is to examine stakeholder input, SEL curriculum options, engage in a curriculum pilot, and make recommendation(s) to the Board of Trustees for adoption.  Applying neither commits you, nor guarantees a seat on the committee.  Following your application, you will be provided with next steps. Apply here: http://mvw.sd/SELCommittee


Share your ideas about social-emotional learning (SEL) for our students

Parents and staff members, please take a moment to complete a quick survey about social emotional learning by Sept. 30. Your thoughts will provide valuable insights into students' emotional well-being and development. Your feedback will help MVWSD and the SEL Curriculum Committee as they work to select curriculum and activities for students to better support students' social and emotional needs. Additionally, your ideas will be included in plans for how school counselors can support students. Click here for the SEL stakeholder survey .


Applying to be a school volunteer this year? Training and help sessions happen this month

We appreciate our parent volunteers! Please check your inbox (email dated Aug. 5) for important information about mandated training and optional volunteer help sessions coming up in the next two weeks. For an overview of the process, please visit https://www.mvwsd.org/volunteers.


MVWSD Seeks Parents & Staff Members for Health & Wellness Committee

The Health & Wellness Committee is looking for parents and staff members for the 2024-25 school year! This committee aligns District efforts to support student wellness through health education, physical education and activity, health services, nutrition services, psychological and counseling services, and through promoting a safe and healthy school environment. 


The Health and Wellness Committee will meet three times during the school year on Zoom, with the first meeting tentatively scheduled for November. 

If you have experience, knowledge, or interest, please complete an application at: http://mvw.sd/health by October 11.  If you have any questions, please contact Brian White, Health & Wellness Coordinator at [email protected].


Ask your student about their MVEF-funded classes

A few of your student’s favorite teachers and classes are probably funded by MVEF. 

  • An extra ELA teacher at each middle school means more manageable class sizes. 

  • Art & Music teachers from CSMA and plant science instruction from Living Classroom will begin enriching the experiences of elementary students this month.


The generosity of MVEF donors makes these things possible. To become an MVEF donor or renew your gift for the current school year, click here

Interested in volunteering with MVEF? 

We're seeking volunteers for 2024-25 and beyond! MVEF, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, offers an opportunity to gain experience while connecting with local families who have similar interests and priorities.

Opportunities include:

  1. School Representative: Represent MVEF at your school site’s events and activities 

  2. Event Planner: Help organize the Gala, Auction, and other events.

  3. Board Member: Serve on the MVEF Board.

  4. Special Skills: Have expertise in automation, data, law, design (visual, graphic, video, website) or more? We could use your help!

Please reach out to [email protected] to get involved.

MVEF is the local educational foundation that supports essential programs across MVWSD, with 80% of contributions from local families like you. Consider donating here.


PTA News


Upcoming Events (see below for details)

  • Wed, Sept 25: PTA Association Meeting, 6PM @ the Vargas Library

  • Mon Sept 30 - Fri Oct 4: Scholastic Book Fair

  • Thurs, Oct 3: Family Coding Night

  • Friday, Oct 18: Walkathon - Save the date to join our main fundraiser of the year!

  • Friday, Oct 25: Trunk or Treat 


PTA General Association Meeting - September 25th, 6:00-7:00PM

We will hold our first PTA General Assembly in-person at the Library. Join us to hear about upcoming events, fundraisers, budget, and a presentation on the Measure AA- Parcel Tax, followed by a vote on action. Everyone is welcome. Childcare will be provided. Agenda link here.


Scholastic Book Fair, Sept 30th-Oct 4th

COMING SOON: We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Fall Book Fair, which will be held in the MUR from September 30 - October 4! Our Book Fair is a great opportunity to support our kids' love for reading and earn rewards for our school. If you would like to volunteer for a book fair shift, please sign up on Konstella.


You can learn more about the event, browse books and already order online via https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/javargas 


Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair!


Family Coding Night- Thurs Oct 3rd

The PTA will be sponsoring a Family Coding Night, run by Code for Fun. There will be two sessions in the MUR; students are invited to join with their families at the following times:

  • 5:00-6:00pm - Kinder, 1st, 2nd grade families

  • 6:16-7:15pm - 3rd, 4th, 5th grade families

  • Important: Students must bring their chromebooks to use for coding.

  • If you would like to volunteer during either session to help students as needed, sign-up on Konstella.

  • Email [email protected] with any questions


Walkathon- October 18, 2024

Our school Walkathon is coming up on October 18 - one of our biggest events of the year! This year our theme is "Walk on the Wild Side"! Students will have a chance to walk in the Walkathon with their classes before regular dismissal on Friday - Kinders will participate after their dismissal with their adult or afterschool program. The Walkathon opens to families after dismissal, and will go until 6pm. The Walkathon aims to get students moving in a fun-filled family event with prizes, music, food trucks, and more. Our goal is to walk over 5000 laps and raise $30,000! It is the PTA’s main fundraiser of the year, and funds will go to the PTA budget for after-school enrichment, assemblies, classroom supplies, community events, and much more.

There are several important steps for your child to participate in the Walkathon:

  • You must complete a Walkathon permission form for your child (students can NOT be left unattended after school dismissal - they must be with a responsible adult or their after school program).

  • Please set up your student's fundraising page, then share it with family and friends!

  • If you haven't already completed the PTA Participation waiver this year, please do so!

Come to the Walkathon on October 18th from dismissal until 6pm! If you are able, please also sign up for a volunteer shift during the event - it's a fun way to contribute to and get to know our school community!

You'll get a flyer soon in your child's Friday folder, or check out the Walkathon website for more details. If you have any questions about the event, you can reach out to the Walkathon Chair at [email protected]


Trunk or Treat - Fri Oct 25th

Join us in the Vargas Parking Lot on Friday, 10/25, from 6-7:30pm for some festive Halloween fun! To sign-up to decorate a car/distribute candy, donate candy, or help with set-up or clean-up, sign up here. Email [email protected] with any questions.

Membership Drive Results

Golden Owl families– we are currently at 232 PTA Members! Congratulations to Rooms 2, 3, and 8 for earning bonus Scholastic book credit for their class. The following classes have additionally earned popsicle parties: Rooms 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 for reaching the Membership Drive goal. Thank you for your support!


Though the “Membership Drive” has ended, you can continue to sign-up for membership and donate anytime during the year. 

Click here to join and make a contribution: https://jointotem.com/ca/mountain-view/jose-antonio-vargas-pta

To receive PTA membership fee sponsorship, contact Mr. Taylor or Ms. Beatriz Claas. 

If you are interested in sponsoring membership for Vargas individuals in need, contact [email protected].


Want to hear about the school-wide events planned by the PTA? Konstella is a free app/website– you do not have to be a member to join. The PTA will post information about meetings, events and volunteer opportunities. You will also be able to communicate with other families from your child's classroom.


Afterschool Enrichment Classes

If you are still interested in joining an afterschool class, ask about a prorated fee! It’s not too late! Check out the list here: https://www.javargaspta.org/after-school-programs


Spirit Wear 

Mondays are spirit days at JA Vargas; wear green and show your school spirit. Check out our selection of green spirit wear. Place your order online and pick it up on designated days at the office.




Find links to membership, Konstella, gear shop and volunteer opportunities on our website.

  • Follow JAVargas PTA on facebook for photos of events and updates on future events.

Kimberly Cheng, and the Executive Board 

[email protected]

From Our Community Partners

YMCA Hiring for MVWSD Afterschool Program - Flyer

The YMCA is looking for enthusiastic individuals to support the MVWSD Afterschool Program. If you're passionate about working with students and creating fun, engaging afterschool experiences, this is a great opportunity! Apply today and make a difference in our school community: ymcasv.org/jobs.

Fixit Clinic: Oct. 5

Join us at the upcoming Fixit Clinic! Fixit Clinics are made possible through a partnership between the City of Mountain View and the Santa Clara County Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission. This free community-based workshop is staffed by volunteer Fixit Coaches that will collaborate and help you learn how to repair your broken items.

Saturday, October 5

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Maker Nexus, 1330 Orleans Drive, Sunnyvale


Bring your electronic gadgets, appliances, computers, toys, sewing machines, bicycles, fabric items, and more for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. Register for the October 5th Fixit Clinic using this form.

City Searching for Volunteers to Serve Community

Recruitment is open for upcoming vacancies on several City boards and committees that weigh in on a wide range of matters. The openings are on the Board of Library Trustees, Environmental Planning, Human Relations, and Parks and Recreation Commissions, and Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory, Downtown, Performing Arts, Senior Advisory, and Visual Arts Committees, and Public Safety Advisory Board. Find more information and the application form at MountainView.gov/Advisors. The link to the application is in each council advisory body webpage. Questions can be directed to the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or 650-903-6304. The deadline to apply is Nov. 8 at 5 p.m.

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