Wise Word, 10/16/2024

Principal’s Message:

Hello Golden Owls,


October is Safety Month in MVWSD. Don’t forget that the districtwide earthquake drill is tomorrow. We have reviewed our procedures, and we are ready to practice. Parents, since students will be outside for approximately one hour, please plan to apply sunscreen to your child in the morning and have them bring a hat if they’re sun-sensitive. Please reassure your child that drills are our way of practicing for an emergency.  

In the event of an emergency, like an earthquake, it’s possible that circumstances are not safe enough for us to release students as we typically do at the end of the school day. In an emergency, parents should not rush to school, but instead wait for updates from email, on mvwsd.org, social media and text/phone calls. So we know all students are accounted for, our schools will release students systematically to authorized adults when it’s safe. Please review our parent-student reunification procedures here

 PARENTS should:

  • Stay calm and cooperative for the protection of all students and staff on site.

  • Report to the Sign-Out Area (Main Front Gate near office).

  • HAVE YOUR ID READY. Safety first. We want to reunite you with your child as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • Stand in the appropriate line according to the first letter of the student’s last name.

  • Complete and sign the student release form.

  • Receive a ticket or card. NO TICKET, NO STUDENT.

  • Move to the Student Reunion Area (near the library).

  • A staff member with the corresponding ticket will be sent to the Reunion Area to bring your child to you.

  • BE PATIENT. Staff will bring children to the waiting area to meet their parents. Give the staff the matching ticket.

  • Parents and children should leave campus immediately. The campus will not be secure to enter after a disaster. Students should not expect to collect their backpacks or belongings.

  • Allow emergency responders to do their job.

Additional considerations:

  • DO NOT try to enter through the gates near the field. Do not park in the parking lot. These areas are designated for emergency vehicles and first responders.

  • DO NOT send a neighbor, friend or relative not listed on your child’s emergency card to pick them up in your place. Can’t recall who’s on the list? Plan ahead – Email the school clerk or secretary, so we can verify and update at any time – [email protected]  and [email protected]

  • DO NOT remove your child from school grounds without signing a student release form. Why? We want to be absolutely sure that children are safely reunited with their families. 

  • DO NOT call the school or district office. ALL staff and students will have evacuated the building and no one will be able to answer your call. 

  • Follow us on Facebook.  In addition to sending text messages, we will also utilize social media to send emergency updates.

I would also like to bring it to your attention that next Monday our school will review what to do in the event of a dangerous intruder or similar event on campus. Practice at the elementary schools means students will view an age-appropropriate “dangerous intruder” video (which you may preview here) and talk with their teacher. The video and classroom discussion will encourage children to stay calm, follow directions, and listen to trusted adults. 

Emergencies may never happen, but if they do, we’re better protected and are more able to help ourselves and others. 

In Partnership, 

Principal Vern Taylor

Events Calendar



Unity Day - Wear Orange


Lifetouch Picture Retakes


Annual Earthquake Drill


MVWSD Board Meeting, District Office 6pm-10pm


Principal Coffee, 8:10am - MUR


Vargas Walk-a-Thon


Dangerous Intruder Video

21st - 25th

Parent - Teacher Conference Week - Minimum Days - Dismissal 11:55am




Silicon Valley Shakespeare Assembly - MUR


Trunk or Treat VA Parking Lot, 6pm


DELAC Meeting, 5:30pm

28th - 31st

Walden West Science Camp


Halloween Parade - 12 noon - Blacktop




End of Trimester, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 11:55am


MVWSD Board Meeting, District Office 6pm-10pm


Veterans Day - No school


Principal Coffee, 8:10am - MUR


Report Cards go home electronically


MVWSD Board Meeting, District Office 6pm-10pm

25th - 29th

Thanksgiving Recess - No School


In this Newsletter

School News:

It’s never too early to talk about college! (College Week 10/21-10/25)

Vargas Spirit Week (10/14/-10/18)

Lost and Found

Walkathon- October 18, 2024


Walden West Cabin Leaders

After school Halloween Parade 10/31 @ 12:05pm



2024 -2025 School Year Calendar - Here

October Menu - Here

District News:

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m.

MVWSD seeking District Equity Advisory Committee members

Your donations of any amount help MVEF enrich education for every MVWSD student!

Crittenden Mattress Fundraiser on Oct. 20 - Flyer

Free COVID tests available to order


PTA News:

Upcoming Events 

Mon, Oct 14 - Fri, Oct 18 - Spirit Week

Trunk or Treat - Fri Oct 25th


Spirit Wear 



Community Partners

The View Teen Center: October - Flyer

MVLA Speaker Series: Never Enough with Jennifer Wallace

Volunteer with Mentor Tutor Connection - Flyer 

Learning Challenges events for Fall 2024

School News


It’s never too early to talk about college! (College Week 10/21-10/25)

At Vargas we celebrate College Week


  • MONDAY 10/21          - What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • TUESDAY 10/22         - For a bright future  WEAR YELLOW

  • WEDNESDAY 10/23  - Your future is out of this world WEAR BLUE

  • THURSDAY 10/24      - WEAR COLLEGE ATTIRE or the Vargas t-shirt

  • FRIDAY 10/25             - Dress like a boss!


Vargas Spirit Week (10/14/-10/18)

We will be having our first spirit week. The days are below

Unity Day (Wear Orange) Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dress Like a Teacher Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dress Like an Animal Friday, October 18, 2024


Lost and Found

The lost and found rack is full, please take a look to see if any items belong to your child. The last day to claim any items is Friday, October 18th. Anything left after dismissal will be donated. 


Walkathon- October 18, 2024

It’s Walkathon Week! The Walkathon is this Friday from 3-6pm and is a huge, fun-filled event for the entire Vargas Community that also generates the biggest portion of our PTA’s budget for the year. All of the money raised goes directly to student enrichment! Things like the BMX and planetarium assembly, author visits, science & movie nights (and other community events), field trips, readathon, talent show, classroom funds for each teacher, 5th grade and kinder promotion, Book Fair vouchers, library funds, and so much more– these are all things funded by the Walkathon. We need EVERYONE’S help to raise the funds necessary to keep our valued programs going (and add new programs too!). Our goal is $30,000 and we are less than 50% of the way there.

So, how can you help? 

  1. DONATE & FUNDRAISE - Help your child sign up and raise money from friends and family

  • Make a 99pledges fundraising page for your student at https://app.99pledges.com/fund/javargasfall2024/addme 

  • Donors can do a flat donation or pledge per lap walked.

  • Bonus: double your match with corporate matching!

  • Checks (written out to “Jose Antonio Vargas PTA”) or cash can be submitted to the front office. 


  • Sign the participation waiver! Submit the waiver online or turn in a paper copy.

  • Come to the event! There will be prizes for the students, activities for families to join (like a free photobooth and other games), and also delicious food and treats (shave ice, tacos, nachos, and more!). Bring a blanket or chair and cheer on your student as they walk laps!


  • This is a super fun event to volunteer at! Punch lap cards, spray some hair, or make sure the kids are hydrated. There are lots of open volunteer slots still: Sign-up here

  • Older siblings are welcome to volunteer! Email [email protected] with any questions.




Walden West Cabin Leaders

Attention Vargas Families! Our 5th grade students will be attending Science Camp at Walden West on October 28-October 31, 2024. In order to make this a successful trip, Walden West is in need of Cabin leaders who are High school Sophomores and older, up to 22 years old. These students will live with and help supervise our students during their trip.

Walden West supports high school student’s academic engagement, builds their leadership skills, and adds to their portfolios for future career/college. Students earn up to 100 hours of service learning serving as cabin leaders and enrich their current science knowledge in our field classes. Training and support is provided throughout the week. Per the SCCOE, all volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and will be required to present a negative COVID test on their first day. Click here to apply as a cabin leader for Jose Antonio Vargas. 


After school Halloween Parade 10/31 @ 12:05pm

This year, we will be hosting a Halloween parade after school. For those wishing to participate, we will be meeting on the blacktop after dismissal. For those who have students in Right at School and YMCA, they will also be able to join. Can’t wait to see OWL of you!


Please note: Our school does not have any school-wide event that asks students to wear costumes during the day of 10/31; however, if students want to wear costumes for the day of Halloween, they can. We are asking, as is standard, not to wear masks or overly gruesome or violent attire. We are also asking that students not bring any accessories that would distract from regular classroom instruction.



District News


The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

  • Shoreline Update

  • Reading Difficulty Risk Screener Selection Process

  • Budget Advisory Committee Update

  • Vendor Approval Process

  • Board policy: Dress Code

For meeting details and agenda, please click here: https://www.mvwsd.org/trustees.


MVWSD seeking District Equity Advisory Committee members

MVWSD is continuing our work by engaging meaningfully with the community on issues of equity through the District Equity Advisory Committee (DEAC). The goal of the DEAC is to provide feedback to the Superintendent on how to support MVWSD towards achieving its goals of becoming a more equitable and inclusive school district.


We are seeking a combination of district-level leaders, principals, teachers, staff members, and parent participants who represent the interests of both elementary and middle schools. Committee members will be expected to attend and participate virtually in meetings held once monthly (on average) online during the 2024-25 school year in the evening hours. 


If you’re interested in participating, please click here to apply.


Your donations of any amount help MVEF enrich education for every MVWSD student!

Love seeing your kids enjoy art, music, and hands-on science in elementary schools, and smaller English classes, athletics, clubs, and other activities in middle schools? MVWSD has one of the most socio-economically diverse student bodies in the Bay Area, and donations to MVEF ensure all students benefit from these essential programs, regardless of financial status.


With the MVEF Textathon & Phonathon season approaching, donate today to save a text and call! Every contribution makes a difference. Learn more about how you can support MVEF or make your tax-deductible donation here.

Crittenden Mattress Fundraiser on Oct. 20 - Flyer

The Crittenden Music Department will be hosting a Mattress Fundraiser on Sunday, Oct. 20 from 10 am - 5 pm. This fundraiser will help with the music department's general fund. This is one of our biggest events of the year and we need your help! The MUR is turned into a mattress showcase room where customers can try out the beds. There are brand names at this event as well as special models of beds that can't be found in regular stores. Thanks for your support.

Free COVID tests available to order

US residential households are now eligible to order four free at-home COVID tests from the US Postal Service COVID test order page. Prepare for respiratory virus season and learn how and when to test for COVID-19. Some of the tests shipped may show expired dates on the box—please note the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has extended the expiration dates of the tests being distributed through this program. You can find the full list of extended test expiration dates at the FDA At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests web page.


PTA News


Upcoming Events (see below for details)

  • Friday, Oct 18: Walkathon - Save the date to join our main fundraiser of the year!

  • Friday, Oct 25: Trunk or Treat 


Mon, Oct 14 - Fri, Oct 18 - Spirit Week

To kick off our Walkathon week, dress up for spirit week:

  • Monday, Oct 14th - Crazy Hair Day

  • Tuesday, Oct 15th - PJ and Stuffie Day

  • Wed, Oct 16th - Unity Day - Wear Orange

  • Thurs, Oct 17th - Dress like a Teacher

  • Fri, Oct 18th - Dress like an Animal 

Trunk or Treat - Fri Oct 25th

¿Has visto los monstruos de caramelo al frente de la oficina? Siéntete libre de “alimentar al monstruo” con donaciones de dulces, que usaremos en Trunk or Treat. Estamos algunas semanas de nuestro primer Trunk or Treat de Vargas, de 6:00 a 7:30 p. m. en el estacionamiento de Vargas. ¿Qué es exactamente Trunk or Treat? Es una alternativa a ir a pedir casa por casa durante Halloween, en el que los padres y tutores reúnen sus vehículos en un lugar, generalmente un estacionamiento, abren y decoran sus maleteros y reparten dulces mientras los niños caminan de un auto a otro. Es una gran oportunidad para reunir a la comunidad Vargas y pasar una noche de diversión. Tendremos juegos y otras actividades divertidas. Aquí hay algunas ideas. También puedes comprar kits en Amazon que facilitan el proceso. El enlace para registrarse también incluye fotografías del evento inaugural de la escuela primaria Theuerkauf del año pasado. ¡Únase a nosotros para esta divertida velada! Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] si tiene alguna pregunta.


Want to hear about the school-wide events planned by the PTA? Konstella is a free app/website– you do not have to be a member to join. The PTA will post information about meetings, events and volunteer opportunities. You will also be able to communicate with other families from your child's classroom.


Spirit Wear 

Mondays are spirit days at JA Vargas; wear green and show your school spirit. Check out our selection of green spirit wear. Place your order online and pick it up on designated days at the office.




Find links to membership, Konstella, gear shop and volunteer opportunities on our website.

  • Follow JAVargas PTA on facebook for photos of events and updates on future events.

Kimberly Cheng, and the Executive Board 

[email protected]

From Our Community Partners

The View Teen Center: October - Flyer

The View Teen Center is a free facility in Mountain View (263 Escuela Ave) for all Mountain View and Los Altos 6th - 12th grade students. Drop-in hours are Monday - Friday, 3:15 - 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 1 - 6 p.m. (Adjusted Hours: Oct. 10-11 & Oct. 21-25, 1-6 p.m.), and the center features a game room, makerspace, kitchen, computer/study room, and outdoor area. October events include Halloween-themed activities, art classes, a Bike to Boba, and much more. For more information, click here.

MVLA Speaker Series: Never Enough with Jennifer Wallace

Join the next MVLA Speaker Series presentation, “Never Enough: Mattering as a Solution to Toxic Achievement Pressure,” with author Jennifer Wallace on Wednesday, October 30th at 7PM at the Crittenden Middle School Auditorium. In this eye-opening talk, Wallace investigates the deep roots of toxic achievement culture, explores its harmful impact on our kids, and delivers the powerful solution: mattering, the psychological concept of feeling like you add value and are valued regardless of your external achievements. Wallace provides a practical mattering framework that parents and educators can use to tackle achievement pressure at home and in the classroom. Register for this free event here.

Volunteer with Mentor Tutor Connection - Flyer 

Mentor Tutor Connection is actively recruiting volunteers for our mentoring (high school students) and tutoring (K-8 students) programs located in Los Altos and Mountain View public schools. To learn more about Mentor Tutor connection, please email [email protected] or visit mentortutorconnection.org.

Learning Challenges events for Fall 2024

For local coverage of issues related to learning challenges and special education, please check out the Learning Challenges Committee http://learningchallenges.lamvptac.org/

For broader coverage, look into the Northwest SCC SELPA CAC

Northwest Santa Clara County CAC meeting

October 29, 9 am

Register: https://sccoe.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpfuipqTwiGd2j1kNEBuVtKlTXV4IJn1TB


Morning Let’s Talk Parent Support group

October 30, 9 am  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqcu-vrDsiHdW_I5OTIYOiHcpy1tEmzuta

Who’s Who is Serving Our Little Ones? - Planning and Strategies for Children 3-5

From Department of Developmental Services and Palo Alto CAC

November 14, 6-7 pm on Zoom. Register: http://bit.ly/DDSTraining2

Evening Let’s Talk Parent Support group

November 19, 7 pm  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtfu2hrj0pG9zqGFeTzEnqs1U7cVxTcfl-

Learning Challenges Committee Meeting

December 3, 7:30 pm on Zoom

The LCC is working on providing a support group for parents, and planning to create a wish list for teachers throughout Mountain View and Los Altos for classroom supplies to support sensory needs. Would you like to help? Other ideas to support students and families with learning challenges? Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUld-usrj8tEtNskynSpmorDiYZNt9_KAgq

Morning Let’s Talk Parent Support group

December 19, 10 am  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrduupqD0vEtSpweFX71KvNAcKW8Csy4D3

Missed past Parent Education events?

We have a YouTube channel with many of our past events including the recent talk on Assistive Technology, info summer camps and recreational activities, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Learning Challenges, SMART Goals and IEP Troubleshooting, and more. Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuy7IcVz-4LTDxv2Jaq13nw
Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.