Parent Involvement

We always welcome parents who are interested in taking leadership roles at school. There are several ways to help define school policies and programs by getting more involved in the following school and district level organizations:

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
School Site Council (SSC)
Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF)

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
According to California law, all K-12 public schools with 21 or more English learners must form a functional English Learner Advisory Committee. The ELAC is an elected committee for parents or other community members who want to advocate for English Learners. Its purpose is to advise the principal, school staff, and the School Site Council on programs and services for English Learners. If you're interested in joining ELAC, please contact the principal.

School Site Council (SSC)
Vargas School Site Council is a decision-making, leadership group comprised of the Principal, teachers, classified staff, and parents/community. The SSC plays an important role in the continuous improvement of our students' education by its review, approval, and monitoring of the annual Site Plan and of categorical monies that fund the plan. Members review and analyze students' performance, ask hard questions, participate in thoughtful discussions, and work on a team with staff and the Principal.

Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF)
The Mountain View Educational Foundation is an independent nonprofit run by parents that raises money for our children at our schools. Please join your fellow parents in supporting MVEF. MVEF supports nearly $700,000 in educational programs including:

A progressive art curriculum for grades K-5, also provided by CSMA, that develops students' creative and conceptual thinking
Music classes for grades K-5, provided by the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA), including fourth grade recorder, fifth grade band and orchestra.
* Garden-based lessons
* Hands-on science kits
* Leadership workshops
* Environmental education field trips and class programs

In the middle schools:
* Science lab materials and resources
* Environmental education field trips
* Afterschool sports and extended-day electives

Please donate at a level that is comfortable for you—our goal is 100% participation and gifts at any level are truly appreciated. Please also consider corporate matching of your donation if your employer provides matching. Learn more or donate online at

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